Monday, October 24, 2011


MAGNITUDE 5.8 - VIRGINIA | 2011 August 23 17:51:04 UTC -- -- geophysical/meteorological connection: the virginia earthquake causes storm intensifications in atlantic ocean; a hurricane off the coast of florida which headed directly towards the epicenter of the earthquake + another obvious intensification off the coast of africa; and over the african continent [one of two level 5 hurricanes which occurred in the north indian ocean in the last 99 years formed right after a nuclear test on the border of india and pakistan; then eventually headed directly to where the blast initially occurred!? the same cause and effect scenario is at work in this instance as well] -- note: notice how the storm follows along ley lines which -- among many other things -- determine the shape of the bermuda triangle region...

EXPLANATION: friction energy from the seismic activity emanates through the earth and manifests in warm tropical regions (it is the atlantic hurricane season right now); the energy wells up from the ocean bottom -- in a sense stirring the water -- then causes what is known as 'storm intensification'; and/or oh let's say a tropical depression suddenly turning into a level 5 hurricane etc...

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